学生档案私隐 |
设施 and 服务 for Students with Disabilities |
学生的多样性 |
出席费用: |
按项目划分的学费和杂费 |
本科 Net Price Calculator |
Refund Policies for Withdrawal: |
本科生: |
Tuition Refund and Withdrawal Policy |
第四章资金的返还 |
Withdrawal by Ceasing to Attend Classes |
研究生: |
垫 退还学杂费 |
PGx 退还学杂费 |
药店学生: |
Withdrawal and Refund Policies |
教材信息: |
按班级查找教科书 |
学术政策 |
本科目录 |
毕业生公告 |
药房公告 |
优势与集成电路项目 |
学位列表 |
专业 Licensure and Certification 披露的信息 |
校园 设施 |
Virtual 校园 Tour (北曼彻斯特校区) |
Virtual 校园 Tour (韦恩堡校园) |
教职员工 |
北曼彻斯特校区 |
信用政策转让 & 清晰度的协议 |
本科传输: |
本科 信用政策转让 & 转移入学 |
本科 Transfer Course Instructions |
本科 Transferable Courses (部分清单) |
研究生/专业 Transfer: |
垫 信用政策转让 |
PGx 信用政策转让 |
Pharmacy Transfer of Credit Policy: Because of the highly specialized nature of the Doctor of Pharmacy program, 以前的学时
completed courses from other programs typically may not be transferred for credit in the program. 每一个
course within the program is essential for completion of the program. |
清晰度的协议 |
认证 |
认证, Approval and Licensure of Institution and Programs |
提交学生投诉 |
In compliance with federal guidelines, please contact the Indiana Commission for Higher Education for Indiana's higher education complaint resolution process. Distance education students living in other states may also utilize this process to contact the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. Complaints may also be filed with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), 十大网赌正规网址's Accreditor. |
Filing a Complaint with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education |
Filing a Complaint with the Higher Learning Commission |
信息 Technology 服务 - Policies and Sanctions |
十大网赌正规网址 Acceptable Use Policy |
Sanctions for Misuse including Unlawful Use of IT 资源 |
Verification of Student Identity Policy |
学生活动 |
北曼彻斯特校区 学生活动 |
韦恩堡校园 学生活动 |
Career and 专业 Development: |
Career and Job Placement 服务 |
选民登记 |
选民登记 |
Intercollegiate 十大赌博正规信誉网址 Data |
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in 十大赌博正规信誉网址 Disclosure Act): |
Equity in 十大赌博正规信誉网址 Data Analysis (search "十大网赌正规网址" in name field) |
2021 Report of Institutional Data for the Equity in 十大赌博正规信誉网址 Disclosure Act (EADA) |
教师培训计划 |
Annual Reports Regarding Teacher Preparation |
教育部门 |
学生资助 |
Assistance Available from Federal, State, Local and Institutional Programs: |
大学生援助 |
制药项目 |
学生贷款资料 |
基因ral 学生贷款资料 |
Initial Loan Counseling for Student Borrowers (选择
link to "Complete Entrance Counseling") |
Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers |
Institutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans |
十大网赌正规网址 does not have preferred lenders, but does provide 访问站点工具 with information on lenders used by prior/current 曼彻斯特 students |
Federal Student Financial 援助 Penalties for Drug Law Violations |
北曼彻斯特校区 Student Handbook: 源 (见第15页) |
健康与安全 |
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program |
学生的政策见第53页 |
员工的政策见第70页 |
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program |
免疫接种政策 |
十大网赌正规网址 免疫接种政策 |
校园安全 |
校园安全政策 |
公共犯罪和火灾日志 |
Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures |
安全 and Fire Safety Report |